

To create a bot on Telegram, use Telegram's BotFather. The BotFather will ask you for a name and username, then generate an authorization token for your new ...

From BotFather to 'Hello World'

Creating Your Command. Begin by opening @BotFather. Type /mybots > Your_Bot_Name > Edit Bot > Edit Commands. Now send a new command, followed by a brief ...

Telegram Bot Features

BotFather. Below is a detailed guide to using @BotFather, Telegram's tool for creating and managing bots. Creating a new bot. Use the /newbot command to ...

Instructions for creating and configuring a bot in BotFather

BotFather is the main service in Telegram, through which all user bots are registered. An unlimited number of bots can be registered on any account.

【PHP Telegram Bot】Day03

建立你的機器人吧 · 不需要打@ · 以a~z 開頭 · 以bot 結尾 · 只能使用a~z、0~9 和底線 · 最小長度為5 個字元.

[教學] 第一步: 建立Telegram聊天機器人(Chatbot)

要建立Telegram 聊天機器人首先需跟@BotFather 對話,打開Telegram,將畫面切至 Chats (對話) 的頁籤,並在上方搜尋 BotFather。 開始和BotFather 對話,點選 Start ...

Contact @BotFather

BotFather is the one bot to rule them all. Use it to create new bot accounts and manage your existing bots. Start Bot. If you have Telegram, you can launch

#01 Botfather Telegram Tutorial | Step by step Guide with ...

Welcome to the first video in our comprehensive series on creating and managing Telegram bots! In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the ...

How to create a Telegram Bot with the Botfather

In this short video, I will explain how to create a Telegram Bot with the Botfather. We will use this knowledge in future videos to create ...


TocreateabotonTelegram,useTelegram'sBotFather.TheBotFatherwillaskyouforanameandusername,thengenerateanauthorizationtokenforyournew ...,[email protected]/mybots>Your_Bot_Name>EditBot>EditCommands.Nowsendanewcommand,followedbyabrief ...,BotFather.Belowisadetailedguidetousing@BotFather,Telegram'stoolforcreatingandmanagingbots.Creatinganewbot.Usethe/newbotc...